How we work with your community's data

Note: This is an explanation of our approach and processes, specifically for community and related member data. For our official policy covering all data related activities we undertake, please refer to our privacy policy  

Our team
Our team incudes scientists who have experience in handling sensitive, human data in an ethical and responsible way. Additionally, our Tech Lead has earlier built a MedTech startup, and has experience in working with sensitive data. 

Our approach
We don’t build data lakes just for the sake of greedily collecting more and more of your data. We don’t sell your data to anybody. What we do is simple: provide you with valuable community insights and recommendations, by analyzing your community's data.

You control the data access
We can’t do any community analytics without data. But that does not mean that we take it all. You are in full control of what data we analyze. 
Accounts can only be created by your community’s admin team. Only they have the necessary privileges to install our bot and give it access to the required platforms.
When providing access to your Discord server, you can select the channels you provide access to, just in case you want to exclude any private or confidential discussions. Additionally, you also have options to select the historical period for which you would like to provide access. 

What happens with the data
When you connect the bot to your platforms, the bot reads the message history and stores the data to run analysis. Your dashboard at TogetherCrew will show you the results. 
For each platform (i.e. Discord, Discourse, etc.) that we support, we have an Extract, Transform, and Load process (bot). Our ETL processes are built to isolate each community's data so that it is not mixed in with other communities. TogetherCrew runs analytics scripts based on the data and stores the results in the same manner.
Our data hosting and processing services are run on Amazon Web Services EC2 instances. Access is limited to TogetherCrew services and is securely accessible only to the TogetherCrew data scientists and developers.

Large Language Models and Usage of data
TogetherCrew uses Large Language Models (LLMs) to analyse data and provide our Service. The Large Language Models used, do not use your data for training purposes. We prefer to use Open Source LLMs. For non-open source LLMs and endpoints for connecting with LLMs, the privacy policy can be seen below:
Cohere (TogetherCrew has selected the option to opt-out of providing data for training purposes):

Your responsibility
You are responsible for announcing to your community that the bot has been installed in your discord server. 

Deleting your community data
You have control to delete the data, and can undertake it whenever you wish to. 
Under the setting section of the Dashboard, you will find the link to disconnect your server and delete your community data. 

Regulatory adherence
We are trusted and used by several large companies, who have reviewed how we handle member data. In addition, our bot’s code is public and available on our GitHub page
We follow GDPR and CCPA, which are the leading data and privacy related regulations. 

Got more questions ? 
If you have any more questions, please drop us an email at We will be glad to answer all your questions.